Self-Directed Training: Charter School Boards
- Length of Online Programs: Each online program takes about 30 minutes to complete. In most cases, if you pause or exit the program before completing it, you can return later to resume the program where you left off.
- Browser Requirements: Please use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Do not use Internet Explorer. In addition, check your browser settings and disable any pop-up ad blockers (which may interfere with the training software)
Closed Captioning (available on desktops, laptops, and tablets): To activate closed captioning, click the Closed Captioning button at the bottom of your screen. Due to space limitations, the closed captions overlap with the text appearing on some of the slides. Tablet users may be able to avoid this by viewing the online program in “portrait” mode.
Replay Current Slide (available on desktops, laptops, and tablets): If the online program is not responding, click the Replay Button at the bottom of your screen to re-start the current slide you are viewing.
- Certificate of Completion: After completing the online program, follow the instructions at the end of the program to obtain a Certificate of Completion. Your certificate will be e-mailed to you.
QUESTIONS/TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE? Contact the State Ethics Commission’s office at (808) 587-0460 or [email protected]