Disclosure E-Filing

Disclosure E-Filing Portal



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Financial Disclosures FAQs

The State Ethics Code requires state elected officials, members of state boards and commissions, and state employees holding certain positions to file an annual Disclosure of Financial Interests with the Hawaiʻi State Ethics Commission (“Commission”).

The following is a general list of persons who are required to file:

  • Elected officials: the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, state legislators, trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and candidates for and delegates to the constitutional convention.
  • Agency and department heads: directors, deputy directors, division chiefs, and the executive directors and their deputies of every state agency.
  • Legislative Branch: all permanent employees of the legislature and its service agencies, other than persons employed in clerical, secretarial, or similar positions.
  • Offices of the Governor and Lt. Governor: all permanent employees in the offices of the governor and the lieutenant governor, other than persons employed in clerical, secretarial, or similar positions.
  • University of Hawaiʻi (UH): members of the Board of Regents, the president, vice-presidents, assistant vice-presidents, chancellors, and the provosts of UH and its community colleges. Other UH filers may be required to file under other categories, as a director, department head, or fiscal officer.
  • Department of Education (DOE): members of the Board of Education, the superintendent, deputy superintendent, assistant superintendents, complex area superintendents, the state librarian, and the special assistant to the state librarian. Other DOE filers may be required to file based on other categories.
  • State Judiciary: the administrative director and deputy director of the courts. Other JUD filers may be required to file based on other categories.
  • Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA): the administrator and assistant administrator of OHA. Other OHA filers may be required to file based on other categories.
  • State boards and commissions: members of state boards and commissions whose original terms of office are more than one year and whose functions are not solely advisory.
  • Purchasing agents, fiscal officers, and hearings officers of every state agency.

Please note this is not a complete list of filers. To verify your filing status, please contact the Commission’s office.

  • Elected State Officials:
    • Governor
    • Lieutenant Governor
    • State Legislators
    • Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustees
    • Constitutional Convention Delegates
  • Agency and Department Heads
    • Directors
    • Deputy Directors
  • Office of the Governor
    • Administrative Director
  • University of Hawaiʻi
    • President
    • Vice-Presidents
    • Assistant Vice-Presidents
    • Chancellors
  • Department of Education
    • Superintendent
    • Deputy Superintendent
    • State Librarian
    • Assistant to the State Librarian
  • State Judiciary
    • Administrative Director
    • Deputy Director of the Courts
  • Office of Hawaiian Affairs
    • Administrator
    • Assistant Administrator
  • Members of the following state boards are public filers under HRS § 84-17(d):
    • Agribusiness Development Corporation
    • Board of Agriculture
    • Board of Education
    • Board of Land and Natural Resources
    • Commission on Water Resource Management
    • Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority
    • Hawaiʻi Housing Finance and Development Corporation
    • Hawaiʻi Public Housing Authority
    • Hawaiʻi Public Utilities Commission
    • Hawaiʻi State Ethics Commission
    • Hawaiian Homes Commission
    • Land Use Commission
    • Legacy Land Conservation Commission
    • Natural Area Reserves System Commission
    • Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaiʻi
    • Stadium Authority Commission
    • University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents

State Legislators: January 31 (each year)

Current Employees and Board Filers: May 31 (each year)

New Filers: Within 30 days of hiring, election, or appointment to a state position that is required to file

Exit Filers: Within 30 days of leaving your state position (if your last disclosure was filed more than 180 days prior)

Filers are required to report certain types of financial interests, such as income; business ownership; stocks, bonds, and mutual funds; officer or director positions in for-profit or non-profit businesses; real property; loans; names of clients assisted or represented before state agencies; and creditor interests in an insolvent business.

In addition, state legislators, state board members, and state employee filers are required to disclose their own financial interests, as well as those held by a spouse or dependent child.


Gift Disclosures FAQs

If you are a state legislator, state employee, or member of a state board or commission, you must file a gift disclosure if all of the following circumstances apply:

  1. During the disclosure period, you (or your spouse or dependent child) receive either directly or indirectly: (a) a gift that is valued at more than $200, or (b) two or more gifts from the same source, where the combined value of the items is more than $200;
  2. The source of the gift(s) has interests that may be affected by official action that you take in your state capacity; and
  3. The gift is not exempted by law from disclosure.

These gifts must be reported on your gift disclosure if all of the following circumstances apply:

  1. You (or your spouse or dependent child) receive either directly or indirectly: (a) a gift that is valued at more than $200, or (b) two or more gifts from the same source, where the combined value of the items is more than $200;
  2. The source of the gift(s) has interests that may be affected by official action that you take in your state capacity; and
  3. The gift is not exempted by law from disclosure.

Gift disclosures are due by July 31 of each year.

Reporting Period for 2025:  The gift disclosure covers gifts received between June 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025.

Reporting Period for 2026:  The gift disclosure covers gifts received between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026.


Disclosure E-Filing Account FAQs

  1. Go to:  Create a New Account
  2. Enter your First, Middle (optional), and Last Name
  3. Enter your Email and Confirm Email Address
  4. Click “Sign Up”
  5. Check your Email with a link to create a password
  1. Go to: Forgot Your Password
  2. Enter your Email Address
  3. Click “Send Password Reset Email”
  4. Check your Email with a link to create your new password


QUESTIONS/TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE?  Contact the State Ethics Commission’s office at (808) 587-0460 or [email protected]